Community Organizations
The Botkins Area Community Club was organized in 1963 as a non-profit organization to render civic services to the citizens of Botkins and the surrounding area through active participation in projects that improve the community, state and nation. The club has held a variety of fundraisers throughout its existence, but the longest running and most recognized is the annual Botkins Carousel, which exists to aid not only the Community Club in fund-raising efforts, but also many other community organizations.
The club was an integral part of the conception, planning and construction of the new Botkins Community Park, and over the years has given financial benefit to the school, fire department, swimming pool, library and many other organizations.
For more information please contact Audrey Gutman at 693-3075 or Kent Buehler at 693-7307.
Formed by ordinance in 1990, the Botkins Community Improvement Corporation acts as an instrument for industrial, commercial, distribution, and research development in the village. The BCIC manages the 50 acres in the Botkins Industrial Park. The BCIC has been instrumental in the development in both the Woodland Subdivision and Botkins Industrial Park.
The Botkins Historical Society was formed in 1976 and is housed in an historic railroad hotel, The Shelby House, located just west of the railroad on West State Street. The museum houses documents, photos and memorabilia from Botkins' past and hosts a number of annual events. The Botkins Historical Society can assist anyone wishing to learn about the history of Botkins, or the history of their Botkins ancestors by contacting (937) 726-2718, or Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.
Due to Covid-19 concerns, the Botkins Beautification Club’s annual Christmas Tour of Homes will not be held this year. However, the club will be sponsoring an “Exterior Illumination” decorating contest. Watch for details concerning this new endeavor on our FaceBook page. In addition, twelve more village snowflake decorations will be displayed this year, funded by the Louise Sheets Fund of the Community Foundation of Shelby County.
The Botkins Beautification Club’s mission is to beautify and unify our village. With that in mind, swings donated by John Koenig memorial funds were recently purchased and installed in the Veterans Park. These beautiful swings have been seen and used by many...what a wonderful and lasting way to improve our park and community.
The beauty of our village is enhanced by flowers planted by members, hanging baskets purchased from the high school’s ag program, and seasonal displays purchased by the club. (The current Fall decorations in the veterans Park are especially pleasing.) Our community is indebted to volunteers who weed corporation beds, mow the Veterans Park, and donate time and energy in a myriad of other ways. If you would like to join our organization, or just volunteer for specific projects, please contact Nancy Stutsman at 937 658-3869.